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UCSD Postdoc Slack Channel

The ultimate way for postdocs to stay in touch (while more than six feet apart) has arrived. Pick and choose channels that suit your interests and chat with friends and colleagues. Have a novel idea? Share it with us in the brainstorming channel!

Use this link to join the channel -

You can also check out our Postdoc Survival Guide which explains how to navigate university life in San Diego, including tips on career development, teaching, networking, information for postdocs with families, and more.

Note: This channel is for postdocs who have already accepted a position at UC San Diego and is not to provide advice on how to get a postdoctoral position. For prospective postdocs looking for a position, please visit the Office of Postdoctoral & Visiting Scholar Affairs.


#social #professional #talks #edi #queer #brainstorming