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Executive Board

  • Silvia Vicenzi, Ph.D. - Chair and Recording Secretary

    Silvia Vicenzi, Ph.D. - Chair and Recording Secretary 

    Department: Medicine

    My research in 12 words or less: I explore the convergence of neuroscience and cancer immunology for groundbreaking insights.

    Favorite thing about the PDA: is having the opportunity to take action and make refreshing changes to create an inclusive and safe academic environment. In my "free" time, I enjoy engaging in outreach to enthuse and inform young people about science. 

    Favorite quote: "Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it." Charles R. Swindoll

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    Jose Martinez Claros, Ph.D. – Deputy Chair

    Department: Scripps Institution of Oceanography
    My research in 12 words or less: What is the role of water vapor in climate change?
    Favorite thing about the PDA: Networking with like-minded individuals and helping the community navigate through their journey as postdocs.
    Favorite quote: "If you look for the light, you can often find it. But if you look for the dark that is all you will ever see" - The Legend of Korra
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    Mohammad Samavat Ph.D. – Deputy Chair


    My research in 12 words or less: 

    Favorite thing about the PDA: 

    Favorite quote: 

  • Mahsa Pourhamzeh, Ph.D., Co-Vice Chair of Career development

    Mahsa Pourhamzeh, Ph.D., Co-Vice Chair of Career development

    Department: Pathology

    My research in 12 words or less: Understanding the mechanisms underlying synaptic loss in neurodegenerative disorders, with a particular focus on prion disease.

    Favorite thing about the PDA: Working with the PDA is a joy. What I love most about the PDA is the sense of teamwork and the shared passion for the growth of our diverse community of postdoctoral scholars. The PDA is a dynamic network that enables us to create initiatives that positively impact the lives and careers of postdocs, fostering a stronger, more vibrant community at UCSD. It's amazing to be part of this community!

    Favorite quote: "Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts". - Winston Churchill

  • Florencia Anunziata, Ph.D., Co-Vice Chair of Career development

    Florencia Anunziata, Ph.D., Co-Vice Chair of Career development

    Department: Pediatrics

    My research in 12 words or less: Exploring the effects of alcohol use on pregnancy and infant outcomes.

    Favorite thing about the PDA: Opportunity to collaborate with fellow postdocs, network with scientific associations, and support others navigating the uncertainties of this transitional career phase.

    Favorite quote: "A ship is always safe at the shore, but that is not what it is built for." - John A. Shedd

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    Rebecca Salamon, Ph.D., Co-Vice Chair of Career development


    My research in 12 words or less: 

    Favorite thing about the PDA: 

    Favorite quote: 

  • Ingrid Rivera-Iñiguez, Ph.D., Co-Vice Chair of Marketing and Communication

    Ingrid Rivera-Iñiguez, Ph.D., Co-Vice Chair of Marketing and Communication

    Department: Pediatrics

    My research in 12 words or less: I study the different factors that influence eating behavior and conduct clinical trials that could help people to have a healthier lifestyle.

    Favorite thing about the PDA: I like being part of a community that is willing to share, help others, work as a team to impulse other postdocs. 

    Favorite quote: "Women belong in all places where decisions are being made. It shouldn't be that women are the exception.” - Ruth Bader Ginsburg

  • Kamal Kumar, Ph.D., Co-Vice Chair of Marketing and Communication

    Kamal Kumar, Ph.D., Co-Vice Chair of Marketing and Communication

    Department: Cellular and Molecular Medicine
    My research in 12 words or less: I investigate the autophagic clearance of misfolded proteins from Endoplasmic reticulum.
    Favorite thing about the PDA: To connect with fellow postdocs and working in a team to contribute to strengthening the PDA community in terms of professional development, networking, and growth.
    Favorite quote: "The one constant in our life is CHANGE". Daniel T. Gilbert


  • Ipsita Mohanty, Ph.D., Co-Vice Chair of Community and Engagement

    Ipsita Mohanty, Ph.D., Co-Vice Chair of Community and Engagement

    Department: School of Pharmacy
    My research in 12 words or less: try to intercept the communication between gut microbes and the host by discovering their signaling molecules using mass spectrometry.
    Favorite thing about the PDA: I love meeting new people and organizing events, and as part of PDA, I hope to do both and contribute my time to making the postdoc community more connected. 
    Favorite quote: 
  • Theresa Rohm, Ph.D., Co-Vice Chair of Community and Engagement

    Theresa Rohm, Ph.D., Co-Vice Chair of Community and Engagement

    Department: Medicine

    My research in 12 words or less: Unpuzzling how immune cells communicate in obesity and type 2 diabetes.

    Favorite thing about the PDA: As a former president of the Ph.D./Postdoc Happy Hour of the University of Basel in Switzerland, I am eager to take on the role of the Vice Chair of Community Engagement at UCSD. My primary goal is to strengthen the networking environment for Postdocs and other young professionals in Science. I am excited to work closely with the PDA Board to organize regular networking and team-building events, build community partnerships with external organizations, and create memorable occasions, such as the annual Volunteer Appreciation celebration, the New Year’s Networking Event, and the Postdoctoberfest.

    Favorite quote: “Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.” — Sharon Begley interviewing the astronomer Carl Sagan
  • Samantha Ayoub, Ph.D., Co-vice Chair of Outreach and Teaching

    Samantha Ayoub, Ph.D., Co-vice Chair of Outreach and Teaching

    Department: Psychiatry

    My research in 12 words or less: Effects of comorbid drug-use and psychiatric disorder on affect and cognition.

    Favorite thing about the PDA: Connecting with other postdocs.

    Favorite quote: Everything in moderation - including moderation.

  • Dishary Banerjee, Ph.D., Co-vice Chair of Outreach and Teaching

    Dishary Banerjee, Ph.D., Co-vice Chair of Outreach and Teaching

    Department: Cardiovascular Medicine

    My research in 12 words or less: I aim to find gene therapeutics to improve cardiac repair in human hearts post-injury.

    Favorite thing about the PDA: Opportunity to meet likeminded postdocs and creating science outreach and teaching opportunities among the postdocs.

    Favorite quote: "If you can dream it, you can do it" - Walt Disney

  • Hamidreza Ghodsi M.D., Co-vice Chair of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

    Hamidreza Ghodsi M.D., Co-vice Chair of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion 

    Department: Neurosciences, Parkinson & Other Movement Disorders Center

    My research in 12 words or less: Validating new technologies to monitor levodopa levels in real-time in Parkinson’s disease.

    Favorite thing about the PDA: A place that I can learn from peers who are motivated to create a positive impact within their community, where everyone’s voice is not only heard, but also respected.

    Favorite quote: " A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle." – James Keller
  • Steven A. De La Torre, PhD, MPH, Co-vice Chair of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

    Steven A. De La Torre, PhD, MPH, Co-vice Chair of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

    Department: Public Health

    My research in 12 words or less: Co-designing community-driven technological supports for healthy eating and exercise.

    Favorite thing about the PDA:Networking and professional development.

    Favorite quote: “Tan absurdo y fugaz es nuestro paso por este mundo, que solo me deja tranquila el saber que he sido auténtica, que he logrado ser lo más parecido a mí misma.” (So absurd and fleeting is our passage through this world that what leaves me at peace is knowing that I have been authentic, that I have managed to be most like myself.) – Frida Kahlo.

  • Priyanka, Ph.D., Co-Vice Chair of Exposure to Industry Program

    Priyanka, Ph.D., Co-Vice Chair of Exposure to Industry Program

    Department: Medicine

    My research in 12 words or less: I am trying to understand transcription regulation and its complexity in human diseases.

    Favorite thing about the PDA: Is to make new connections and network, and joining as a PDA board member will allow me to directly reach out to fellow postdocs and graduate students with various career opportunities available for us at different stages.

    Favorite quote:  “Life should be great rather than long”- Dr. BR Ambedkar

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    Amit Khurana, Ph.D., Co-Vice Chair of Exposure to Industry Program

    Name and Position: Amit Khurana, Co-Vice Chair of Exposure to Industry Program

    Department: Pediatrics

    My research in 12 words or less: I use pharmacological approaches to discover therapeutics for chronic liver diseases.

    Favorite thing about the PDA: Networking with fellow postdocs having unique experiences and creating awareness about personal interests, valuing diverse exposures and making informed decisions for a joyful career.  

    Favorite quote: Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though you were working for the Lord and not for man". Colossians 3:23, The Holy Bible

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    Jiyo S. Athertya, Ph.D., Co-Vice Chair of Exposure to Industry Program

    Department: Radiology

    My research in 12 words or less: I play with MRI scans to find biomarkers and diagnose degenerative brain disorders

    Favorite thing about the PDA: The strong sense of community and collaboration. To share valuable resources, and work collectively to advance our careers and make meaningful contributions to science.

    Favorite quote:  Learn as if you will live forever, live like you will die tomorrow.

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    Paula Godoy, Ph.D., Co-Vice Chair of Wellnes & Sustainability


    My research in 12 words or less: 

    Favorite thing about the PDA: 

    Favorite quote:  

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    Yanning Zuo, Ph.D., Co-Vice Chair of Wellnes & Sustainability


    My research in 12 words or less: 

    Favorite thing about the PDA: 

    Favorite quote:  

  • Heather Dillon, Career and Professional Development Program Manager

    Heather Dillon, Career and Professional Development Program Manager

    Department: Office of Postdoctoral and Research Scholar Affairs

    My research in 12 words or less: Develop, coordinate, and present professional development workshops, programs, and seminars for postdoctoral trainees.

    Favorite thing about the PDA: Working with our talented and dedicated team to enhance the postdoctoral community at UC San Diego by provide opportunities for networking, socializing, and career development.

    Favorite quote: “Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.” – Maya Angelou

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    We are always looking for more volunteers. If you are interested in becoming a part of the 2021-2022 Executive Board, it all starts by attending our monthly Postdoc Association Lunch. Find more about becoming a volunteer.